University Of Mount Olive Covenant

University of Mount Olive strives for higher learning, higher standards and higher values for its Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, staff, and students through its commitment to integrating a chosen set of virtues into all aspects of the University. These virtues illustrate what the University considers appropriate and necessary for fostering the development of a healthy, safe, and caring college community. The virtues are listed below:

Honesty and Trustworthiness: People who are honest tell the whole truth to people who have the right to know the truth, which includes telling the truth about issues that people may be unaware exist but which directly affect them. They do not shade the truth, withhold parts of the truth, or remain silent when others are misrepresenting the truth. People who are trustworthy keep promises, commitments, and confidences, and are steadfast in their honesty, support, and loyalty.

Justice and Courage: People who are just are fair in their interaction with others, treating them in ways that they themselves expect to be treated and are advocates for those who are not being treated justly. They do not place others at a disadvantage by harassing, intimidating, cheating, stealing, damaging their reputations or property, or in any other way deprive others of their rights to free speech, privacy, equal opportunity, and due process. Courageous people have a moral compass which they carry with them in all situations and follow it even when it costs them dearly. They do not rationalize their lack of courage by assuring themselves they can not correct the situation or it is not their responsibility to do so.

Responsibility and Gratitude: People who are responsible accept full accountability for all of their behavior, including mistakes and wrongdoing, and do all in their power to undo any harm their behaviors have caused. They do not shirk opportunities to admit their mistakes by making excuses, blaming others, or diminishing the gravity of their mistakes. People who have gratitude acknowledge the help and support they receive from others and demonstrate their thankfulness in clear and meaningful ways. They do not ignore the help they receive from others, forget to acknowledge it, or feel that they somehow deserve the help, and hence experience no need to express gratitude.

Caring and Respect: Caring people are sensitive to the material, psychological, and spiritual needs of others, and are willing to make sacrifices to help others meet those needs, whether these individuals are friends or disenfranchised people. They do not assume a self-centered or permissive attitude, which frees them to concentrate on their own welfare and ignore that of everyone else. People who are respectful behave in a way that is appropriate for their environment including physical location, people, and situation, and they are good stewards of our community. Respectable behavior mandates decent etiquette and quality of character.